Hobby or Business?

If you make crafts and sell them, then the main difference to worry about is the difference that the IRS requires. Either way you can manage your accounting and keep track of your income and expenses the same way. The main difference is if the IRS says you have a hobby, then you report income, and you can subtract expenses, but you aren't allowed to report a loss. If the IRS says you have a business, then you are able to report a loss which will lower your taxes overall.

Check here for the official IRS classifications:

IRS vs. Reality

Now that you know what the IRS thinks of you . . . (the IRS doesn't care what we think of them unfortunately,) how do you classify yourself? Almost all business big and small have two sets of books. One for the IRS and one for personal use. Even if you only count as a hobby for IRS purposes, you can still do everything else as a business.

The main difference in being a hobbyist or a business is how you present yourself. If you only want to make your crafts and maybe go to a craft show or two, or sell them to friends, then you probably don't want to go to the trouble of acting as a business.

To come across to your customers as a business, start creating a professional image for yourself. Building a website is a good start. It doesn't have to be anything super. Maybe just put together a blog that talks about your business and where people can buy your things.

Then order a set of business cards. I highly recommend Vista Print if you haven't noticed already! Then when you do your craft shows, make sure everyone who buys, and everyone who seems interested gets a business card. Voila! You have a business. From there, just take things a little bit at a time to include more advertising, nicer displays, and a phrase a certain salesman taught me to live by . . . Shameless Self Promotion.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

More Benefits of Working for Yourself

Please add comments if you have any others

Work in your pjs
Wake up when you want
Go to bed when you want
Spend pretty spring days outside
Change the laundry on a break
No time wasted sitting in traffic for the commute
Go shopping when the stores are practically empty
Beat the rest of the world to the good deals
Listen to your music as loud as you want
Watch tv while you work
Have time to exercise
Have time to think
Have time to play
Play solitaire without having to look over your shoulder every five seconds
Use curse words in your email if you feel like it
Have a beer or cocktail while you work
Take a nap
Use your own bathroom
No more expensive lunches
No more required lunches with people you don't like
Fix your wedgie when it happens
No expensive day care

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